Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Thank You, From One Miracle to the Next, Park Street Church, Boston

I spoke to Reverend Booker this morning and he smiled at my analysis that he delivers the same sermon three times on one SUnday and I mentioned that we might look at the different time slots to compare how they were delivered. Unfortunately, the service that Donna and I attend most regularly has been condensed with the other two and cancelled. So please accept my personal thank you for that time slot and its more contemporary Christian music. This service and the next was to mark our twelfth anniversary of living together. I can count over six pastors that we have been blessed with during the years during that time slot, and to be honest, I do well with Reverend Booker's theology at present. So thank you, and if you need a book on Theology, Donna will be either upstairs in the service or at her desk in the Libarary checking out or shelving books. I included today's service above as an exception to her diary as the music may be changing due to the new church policy of combining seperate services.

I'd write more but the service is presently on our television and Donna is singing.
I also hope that I am accurate as a student in wishing a meaningful Shavuot, the time of giving and perhaps recieving the Torah on Mount Sinai. In any event, it signfies entering a sacred covenant with God and a being present to the Promises of God. The speaking of the Ten Commandments aloud is a revelation, perhaps a theophany.

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Scott Lord