Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Donna and I went to Anna Karenina on Christmas Day

We missed a midnight mass last night because it was cold and then a morning church breakfast because I had been awake a six and it seemed like there was going to be snow on Christmas morning; but we did attend a six o'clock Christmas mass (it's cool- I don't recieve the Eucharist). We made it to see the Tom Stoppard version of Anna Karenina Christmas night after promising ourselves we would- we were going to see the film weeks ago, but she wanted to see Breaking Dawn first.
We're saving some presents to each other for after Christmas; I got her a nightgown during the beginning of the month and we've been adding things to our shopping since then.
The film is sumptuous- and there's a little theatrical thing where it seems to be all interior shots and the exteriors are represented as only occurring on stage, meaning Russian society is in fact a facade of painted backdrops where reality happens behind the doors of private affairs- the camerwork is good where symbolic shots of the train and a theater fan are swished panned, rather than accelerating the montage in a classic way, the camera pivots to represent speed and urgency.
The plot is emotion and is depicted as emotion in its love scenes and thematic threading.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Donna Let Me Take Her To The Movies

Donna and I went to another film together. Usually she brings me, whereas this time I finally brought her. After, I said, "Thank you for going out with me." We've been talking about seeing Anna Karenina and then she noticed this film was there and she was hoping to see it; since we were in Boston rather than Cambridge, specifically we were at Macy's shopping, we made this film before dark. I took Temple Street this time to vary my way and noticed there's a little bit of architecture I may not have quite noticed before.

Scott Lord Film

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hot off the press:I broke my record on the bench press

This is me at 48. I'm now fifty. I left the gym about a year and a half ago to move in with Donna and she gave me an isometric muscle toner for my 49th birthday. I have only lifted four times since, which is about once a week. What i don't quite understand is this: last night I broke my record for the bench press. When I left the gym I was lifting 200 on most of the nautilis machines. Last night I benched 230 lbs- 30 more than when I was lifting everyday. I still weigh 132 lbs. It can't be the horny goat weed. Scott Lord silent film

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Never Believe its not so. "Are you writing in the Donna and Scott blog?"

Donna just asked me what I was writing. (I would really like to be involved in a work of fiction after the little reading that I happenned to have fit in this afternoon.) We spent most of the week in Macy's Christmas shopping. It was the fourth time over the weekend that we had been to the store. We have had dinner in Boston every night for the past three days. We were actually in Macy's during a city wide blackout from the River to Harvard Square and with the power off had to go down the escalators in the dark. We amazingly had lights and returned the next day to make the purchase.
I saved this photo out, not because I gave her perfume, but because I gave her a nightgown and a dozen roses. I don't feel like writing about how optimistic I am about my lift untill it happens, but I'll be at the gym untill midnight- in effect, I've regained enough to lift the amount of weight that I was lifting when I left a year and a half ago. I wouldn't know how, I don't lift everyday like I once did and I've only been using an isometric. But I can again bench the same weight as before. I still weigh approx 132 and still lift 200, but not as often. I'm trying a testosterone booster this time, but I've tried a lot of different supplements. Us? We've been making love late at night and I would like translate it into material for fiction and part of a novel (Two possible novels while I'm here on earth in that I'm now fifty?) Scott Lord on Silent Film

Scott Lord