Monday, October 27, 2014

Donna and I finally went back to the movies..

Tonight I completed the massavie open online course Introduction to Philosophy offerred by The University of Edinburgh with an 88%. The course is finished and there is an elective, non-graded essay during the next two weeks, during which I'm taking the online course Keirkegaard from the University of Copenhagen.

Completed are:

New England Poetry                    Harvard University                                    passed (97% attendence)

Modern Art                                 University of Edinburgh                             85.7%

Scandinavian Film                       University of Copenhagen                          87.9%

English Literature                        University of Sheffield                               93%

Richard III history                        University of Leicester                              84%


Shakespeare                                  University of Warwick                                mid-course 85%                        

New England Poetry 2+3                Harvard Univeristy                                    just started

Kierkegaard                                   University of Copenhagen                           first quarter

Modern Poetry                               Penn                                                        fourth quarter

Scott Lord MOOCs

Scott Lord MOOCs U.K.

If you've visited the above links, you have noticed that my unpublished novel will be published as part of a class on creative writing held in the United Kingdom while being revised as an internet webpage.

Scott Lord