Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Donna and I went to Anna Karenina on Christmas Day

We missed a midnight mass last night because it was cold and then a morning church breakfast because I had been awake a six and it seemed like there was going to be snow on Christmas morning; but we did attend a six o'clock Christmas mass (it's cool- I don't recieve the Eucharist). We made it to see the Tom Stoppard version of Anna Karenina Christmas night after promising ourselves we would- we were going to see the film weeks ago, but she wanted to see Breaking Dawn first.
We're saving some presents to each other for after Christmas; I got her a nightgown during the beginning of the month and we've been adding things to our shopping since then.
The film is sumptuous- and there's a little theatrical thing where it seems to be all interior shots and the exteriors are represented as only occurring on stage, meaning Russian society is in fact a facade of painted backdrops where reality happens behind the doors of private affairs- the camerwork is good where symbolic shots of the train and a theater fan are swished panned, rather than accelerating the montage in a classic way, the camera pivots to represent speed and urgency.
The plot is emotion and is depicted as emotion in its love scenes and thematic threading.

Scott Lord