Monday, May 6, 2013

Donna took communion-Harvard Square Mayfair

Donna and I left the Harvard Square Mayfair early to go to the Park Street Church in Boston. She's thrilled with the dress she got, which is like a sarong. I'll note that I did in fact see one of the renowned Sidewalk Sam chalk drawings, which was an imitation of a Cezanne, with Cezanne's name on top. She has a thing for yogurt when she's there. Donna sang beautifully in Church- better than ever. The honest thing to do would be to type in the Lord's Prayer, Pater Noster, as it is given at Park Street, so that you would know what I disagree with, or what I don't adopt rather- but I do listen while I'm there when it is repeated collectively. Our Father, who art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our coming day's bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into trial, but deliver us from the Evil One, For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen. Personally, that's not the Lord's Prayer, tentatively, I doubt skeptically its from the Latin. Remember it appears twice in the Bible- once as a doxology and it is in Matthew and Luke if I remember correctly. Personally, I think when we adopted the Bible, or when it "spread", for one thing, Old English had already become affected by Norse, properly, that the Norman Conquest wasn't the first time that they had really met, therefore Latin is the standard. More importantly, in the Lord's prayer- Lead us not into Temptation, but Deliver us from Evil, means "keep us free from Sin", and therefore Keep the paths of the Lord Strait, with an emphasis on the Kingdom of Christ, as a prince-figure sent to earth to heal the sick and perform miracles. It to me is serious, but I'm agnostic and socially-agnostic. I'm more pleased that Donna wanted to attend the service, that it was something she wanted to do and felt like doing and that I could be with her. [(The phrase "Evil one" is a little goody-goody), but we are little too modern as a society, for one thing a President happened to resign, and a vice-president may have also resigned to put it apatheticly; we are a little cautious about whether an enemy of Christ stole the soul of Elvis Presley while he was just out there trying to enjoy the sun.) Are they changing the prayer to keep the modern Baptitst church happy? It's probably damn hard to impeach a Mormon, isn't it.] No, I don't believe the Protestant church should accept a "personification of Evil", call him Dracula, so some true believer doesn't have a nervous breakdown at the use of a biblical name. In regard to the Pope, there may have been a little compromise on the theory of the believe in Sin. But, I believe in beauty, and above all, seeing it. I did introduce myself to the Minister, and he asked my first name. I don't know why but we got into a discussion about my having grown up near Gordon-Conwell, actually when it was a Carmelite, it was the adjacent property. Gordon Conwell Seminary was a Carmelite when I was in nursery school and elementary school. And then I said to him, "Well, no. I came hear to listen to you. I'm here to see you-you went to Harvard didn't you. That's what I am to think from the way you write."

Scott Lord