The certificate came in from the University of Edinburgh for Introduction to Philosophy with a grade of 89.6%. They are now grading the certificate in the class in Kierkegaard from the University of Copenhagen, and I've estimated a 92%.
So the first part was one from each:
Scandinavian Film and Television. University of Copenhagen. 87%
Modern Art, Warhol. University of Edinburgh. 85%
Literature of the British Country House. University of Sheffield. 93%
Richard III University of Leicester. 84%
Introduction to Philosophy. University of Edinburgh. 89.6%
American Poetry module 1. Harvard University Completed
Shakespeare. University of Warwick. 84%
Modern Poetry. University of Pennsylvania. Completed/grading
Kiekegaard. University of Copenhagen. 92%/grading
The tenth course this year should be American Poetry second module from Harvard University, which is now in progress along with a course from University of Nottingham with the third Harvard module beginning less than twelve months from when the first of the courses-Film from Denmark, had begun- not quite, but almost one MOOC a month for a year, there also being. Second module to the U Penn poetry on Shelley upcoming before February.