Saturday, May 10, 2014

Edie Minturn Sedgewick poses for Artist Scott Lord at Tate Gallery Poetry Reading

Today, Edie Minturn Sedgewick, currently operating Edie's Farm on wordpress, avoided reporters at Scotland's National Gallery, showing up later at the Tate Gallery, to give a poetry reading. At the reading various depictions of the themes of sex and death were included in an exhibition by artist Scott Lord of The Univeristy of Edinburgh. Miss Sedgewick and Mr. Lord were both at one time residences of Massachusetts, in the United States and were enthralled in what they had in common during discussions about Boston. Miss Sedgewick, who had wanted to pose for Playboy magazine, passed away from a barbituate overdose in the early seventies and was revived, through esoteric means of suspended animation, by Dr. Glyn Davis, also of the University of Edinburgh. It is rumored that Professor Davis and Mr. Lord met through his researching for film criticism after classes on Scandinavian Film at the University of Copenhagen, which also offers a massive online college course. The Dashing Dr. Glyn Davis was delightful during the evening providing insights into art history and expressed a sincere interest in also reviving the art critic Kenneth Clark, were his small laboratory were to find funding from a more global source, possibly underwritten by the United States, although it is rumored that he present he has gotten Kenneth Clark"s hand to move a little in a friendly wave and maybe some knowing eyelid movement, like a wink. With some of the Liverpool poets from the early sixties he has no luck, particularly several attempts to bring back to life Mercy poet Hugh MacDiarmid. Mr. Lord is presently pitching articles and will soon join the staff of Cinema Scandinavia.

Scott Lord