Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Donna's birthday, extended.

I'm not recommending the film. But as an alternative, if you are going to a theater, and happen to see it first run, it's comedy is understated.
We had postponed going out for Donna's birthday, watching movies on television as noted in my previous blog entires, and finally spent the evening with a pizza and a movie. On her actual birthday, because we have a wild rabbit in our courtyard, I brought her back a stuffed animal rabbit on impulse/instinct while running an errand- it was actually on the twelveth.
I was showing/explaining my quizzes to Donna, I have 100% on the midterm and 100% on the final of my online class on the Globalization of  Theater from LMU in Munich and 100% on my quiz from The University of Western Australia online on literature, for a total of 37 out of 37, but I just finished 100% for the quizzes on Film from Wesleyean, making it 57 out of 57. So it's now for fun. I get to pull out textbook jargon to add to my notebook, make sure I watch all the lectures, and then see if paying attention and reading comprehension covers the quiz. Then I went to the courtyard for a cigarette after midnight and my wild rabbit was there again in the shadows. There's a patch of exposed grass, but it hasn't reached it between the trees yet tonight (again, I am just mystified that we have a wild rabbit at night in the courtyard/quad and a hawk during the day that flies up to the nineteenth floor, if your from Boston, I can see the Hancock and Pru from here.)
I do have online poetry I can busy myself with- for some reason  Donna likes both the professor and Emily Dickinson, so I said that I would do everything to complete this round of it, particularly if the other courses are going well and all the better if I catch up with some of the courses I have looked through from the United Kingdom. So for now, Australian Literature Untill we begin Viking And Norse Sagas, with the Emily Dickinson to keep the pace and interest up and with scrambling dashes to some British courses I'm probably late for. PostScript It's now 64 out of 64 quiz questions; I did another lecture series on Australian Literature to tonight, after going out for another date for dinner. I'm 100% for two quizzes, now 14 out of 14 for Australian literature from The University of Western Australia.

Scott Lord