Thursday, May 8, 2014

Behind in my homework University of Edinburgh, behind on my film review Australian magazine

I passed Scandinavian Film and Television in an online course offered by the University of Copenhagen with 87.9% (the first essay was student graded and bought it down) and got a statement of completion. So I added an Art course from the University of Edinburgh because I knew it included Underground Cinema, which I'm in the middle of now. I also have a lecture series on classic narrative film from a University in the United States that has one final test at the end. But I was introduced to a Masters Student from Australia that just began the first issue of a magazine. I missed the deadline to the first issue- but I apparently "pitched the article" and sent the first half one day before deadline and got an extension. So there is no rejection whatsoever on the first two-three paragraphs, the submission is still active- in effect a silent film review will appear in late in an issue centralizing on Ingmar Begman. (maybe I would have had two). The Danish course was structured with weekly quizes and these two courses are not, so I let my ten-week routine ease-up, not alot, but enough to be in a hurry to study quick and more precise. If and when the article makes it, it could be included in, so of course I haven't hurried. The assignment includes essay and artwork- see above, but you know what, I had an old paperback on Underground Cinema years ago, which I liked, and I found the entire book, available free for download on the internet wayback archive, and their copy specifically is an autographed copy the author addressed to the "internet archive"- well isn't that the spirit of the thing? Given to the archive by the author with a note in pen- I'm very glad to use it for a class the month I probably will be published. (My new kick is taking courses from foreign Universities on line) One of the professors, and in this milleau there were five professors over ten weeks, was already mentioned in my webpages before I signed up, so needless to say he's included in the portion of the article I've aleady submitted- the other in the meantime has vistied Princeton, travelling from Denmark and my editor in Australia and I are reading his lecture after the class has finsished.

Scott Lord