Thursday, April 11, 2013

Gift From the Sea- a present for Donna on the way to Marsh Chapel

The radio station in Cambridge Boston keeps playing I Don't Know How to Love Him, by Helen Reddy, which is fine initself and foritself. Donna and I were at Macy's again and because most of the old book stores have left Cambridge I went to West Street and picked up a copy of Ingmar Bergman Directs, by John Simon and a replacement copy of Images by Bergman. I needed to look for books and appreciated Donna having gone with me, so while she was busy for an hour near Boston University, quickly scooped a copy of Gift From the Sea in Allston. I would have gotten it for her in Boston had I seen itWe went for breakfast and when she got home she pointed out that she had had seven pieces of French Toast, more than she had ordered, which was endearing. She visits Marsh Chapel to quietly pray alone. The stained glass is pretty with the backlight. (She just walks in and spends a couple minutes in the church in prayer and then leaves). With the nicer weather, we coupled it yesterday afternoon by going to the Square and through the Common. Apparently she was noticing thins that were always there that you don't really pay attention to and we found the "Washington Elm", an oak tree that was there in the 1600's that had been a marker for Washington's revolutionary was command and the colonial elections- but there is also a plaque on Ann Hutchinson that I had missed that seems to say that she just missed being seen as a witch, interestingly. So Gift from the Sea began our Spring, a little late after Easter due to the weather. She watched Mrs. Dalloway (Vannessa Redgrave) in bed while I typed. The film is good, in between belletristic or literate and artificially opulent and pretentious to where it is ostentatious. It happens to involve relationships and character study. The ideas are supposed to be those that challenge a generation, but the whirlpool they find themselves in is youth and affectation. The writing I like- the acting I'm hesitant, the Prime Minister showing up at a party is a little heavy given their form of social climbing, but a good script. I skimmed Gift from the Sea and came up with the analogy that seashells are (can be) inexplicably symbolic for Gravestones.

Scott Lord