Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Scott Lord: With Donna for Valentine's Day

Some of the Christmas presents exchanged between us were still here for Valentine's Day: Donna wore a new red sweater from last month and had then she found a copy of Splendor in the Grass (1961, Kazan) for the DVD player I gave her. Granted William Inge uses an Ivy League school-1928-for the setting of the film, but today Donna said the film was "timeless". She had said, "If I had only gone to college" and I was admiring her grammar. After we returned from Harvard Square she won a box of chocolates from a lottery at a Valentine's Day party and, having asked her to keep the box, today we put our used movie tickets and other miscellaneous sentimental things in it. Today, I did reiterate an expression I used when we were first dating, which was, "Enjoy your love life", that is to say, please allow me to make our seeing each other as fulfilling as I can, but yesterday morning I worded it, that I "wished her a Happy Valentine's Day and a happy future with me."
There is a clip of a silent film actress in the movie that could be used on an exam, and I don't know why I would say that the actress is Delores Costello other than that I'm rusty.
Tonight we went for cheeseburgers, french fries and coffee, which we did often during the summer, that is to say, I appreciate it and her company. We actually also went to lunch.
In regard to the waterfall in the film being a metaphor, that was something we were discussing during the film. The poem and her feeling that the idealism of youth is a source of strength, I added that (it seems) Wordsworth believed in antiquity, antiquity as beauty.

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Scott Lord